Thursday, November 16, 2023

Third 100,000 graduation ceremony


Have you ever heard of Shincheonji 100,000 graduation ceremony? 

This is already third graduation ceremony in Korea.

Many people has thought that Shincheonji jesus of church is cult. 

But regardless of this wrong news, we , Shincheonji , are developing more and more every year.

In this graduation ceremony, 108,084 people graduated after taking the bible class that teaches in Shincheonji Jesus of church.

Why and how do these many people take this bible class?

Many of them said that the word of God in Shincheonji Jesus of church is true and logical. And it testify the prophecy and fulfillment of the book of the revelation.
This is so amazing news.

Do you know who I am in tha bible and do you know if I was created as the bible?
We identify these two throught the bible.
Are you harvested by the word of God ?
Did you join 12 tribes?
Did you master the book of the revelation?
Did you receive the seal of the God? 
If you don't know what these are, you cannot get the savigation.

we, Shincheonji are teaching and informing these to you.
If you are interested in the bible and the will and purpose of God, how about taking this bible class?

Sunday, August 7, 2022

caffe latte and einspanner

 caffe latte and einspanner

einspanner that Italian coaches drank coz of their tiredness
It is sweet with cream. 
I am so tired that i drink coffee several times a day.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Shincheonji Online Seminar (Revelation)

 Shincheonji Online Seminar (Revelation)

아주경제-이만희 총회장, 요한계시록 전장 강의 시작해

Chairman Man-Hee Lee begins the lecture about full-chapter on the book of Revelation

Friday, October 1, 2021

925 Online Bible Seminar- Jesus' Second Coming and the End of the World

This seminar was proved by Matthew  24. It contains the prophecy of Jesus' Second Coming and the End of the World, which is a must for believers who want to be saved today.

Lee Man-hee says that the prophecy of Matthew 24 has been fulfilled today, and above all, he can give accurate evidence because he has seen and heard the accomplished events of Mt 24 in the bible.

Through this video, check out the achievements of Matthew  24 in this era.

"I, Jesus, sent my lions for the churches to prove them to you." (John Revelation 22:16)

Please make sure everyone watches the full version of Shincheonji online seminar on September 25, 2021

                                                                     Sources Shincheonji.

It is recorded in the Bible that you cannot go to heaven without knowing the Bible's revelations.
If you want to know about the Revelation, click the link below to sign up for a free online class.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

only bible

Nowadays, I have thought about the situation of the world.  Covid 19 has changed our whole life all over the world.  Many people died from covid 19 virus. Also, huge flood happened somewhere. And the lives of many people ended. 

Many people  don't realize why they live and what they will  pursue. 

The spirit of people doesn't move. 

I know the answer of resolving  doubt of life. 

It is the  only bible that resolves them. 

I want many people to read the bible  and make their lives better from realizing the bible.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

[Primary 4] The Figurative Tree and Bird


Main Reference: Mt13:31~32
Heaven: Seed-> field-> branch-> bird

🟩What are realities of tree and bird?
🟩 Realities
Tree= person's inner person who is being  spiritually reborn by seed of word
Bird= spirit

🟩 Explanation
1. parables of tree
characteristic: result of a planted seed where birds perch

Isa 5:7 tree= people 
Jer5:14 tree= God's people

🟩 Spiritual types of tree
God's tree= true pastor and its organization
Satan's tree = false pastor and its organization

2. God's tree and Satan's tree
1) God's tree: Jn15:1 Jesus= true vine
Jn 15:5 Branches= disciples
Ez 47:12 Leaves: healing leaves= evangelist
Jas1:18 First of fruits= congregation member
Pr13:2 Fruit of lips= word

2) Satan's tree
Dt 32:31~33 Enemy=   wild vine
Dn4:22 Tree=babylon king
Rv 18:2 Home of demons pastor

3. The meaning of the parable of the bird
Characteristic : ability to fly, perch on trees
1) God's bird: holy spirit
Mt 3:16 Jesus <- - dove  holy spirit
Rv 19:17 Wedding banquet of heaven <--- birds

2) Satan's bird
Lk 8:5, 12 devil bird that snatches away God's word
Rv 18:2 Babylon: home of unclean and detestable birds

4. The conclusion of two kinds of trees

tree of life versus tree of knowledge of good and evil


If you wanna know the bible precisely and more, click the link below and write down the application form.

Monday, September 13, 2021

[Primary 3] The Figurative Seed and Field


main reference: Mt13:31~32

The kingdom of heaven-------Parable-----mustard seed(in his field)

What are the true meanings of the figurative seed  and field?

True meaning
* seed= word
* field=a person's heart and church

1. Figurative seed
- The importance of the figurative seed
  Mt4:13 The parable of the seed = The basis of all the parables

*Physical characteristics of the seed
- The origin of life of all living things
- You reap what you sow (hereditary characteristics)
   physical characteristics -> true meanings of the parables

1) The true meaning of the figurative seed
-Lk8:11 Seed= the word
-Mk4:14 The farmer sows the word
- 1 Pet 1:23 Imperishable seed (word) 
                Born again through the word of the seed

------- True meaning of the figurative seed = The word

-Jn1:1~4 Life in the word
-Jn3:3~5 Enter the kingdom of heaven when born again

2) types of figurative seeds

- Two types spirit 

God  versus The devil

- Two types seed

God's seed versus The devil's seed

3) The importance of the figurative seed

- Jer31:27    The seed of man  versus The seed of beast
( prophecy)

- Mt13:24~25       Good seed versus  Weeds 

- Mt13:37~39       God's seed       versus     Satan's seed
                      God's word(truth)  versus     Satan's word(lies)
               The  sons of the kingdom versus  The sons of the evil one

- 1Jn3:9~10       Children of God    versus   Children of the devil (Jn8:44)

                            **** The secrets of heaven = Seed

2. Figurative Field
* Characteristics of a physical field 1. Where seeds are sowed  2. Where seeds grow and bear fruit

-1 Cor3:9 You (people) = God's field
- Lk8:15 Good soil= A noble and good heart (field)
- Mt13: 38 Field= The world ( the church of Jesus)

*** True meaning of the figurative field = person's heart, church
-Mt 13:24~30 Field: wheat- like believers ---------harvest ---------heavenly barn

3. Parable of four types of fields

Mt13:3~8 parables of sowing seeds

Seed: sowed= The word of the kingdom
Field=A person 's heart

-Rocky field
-Thorny field
-Good soil

Third 100,000 graduation ceremony

  Have you ever heard of Shincheonji 100,000 graduation ceremony?  This is already third graduation ceremony in Korea. Many people has thoug...