Wednesday, September 22, 2021

[Primary 4] The Figurative Tree and Bird


Main Reference: Mt13:31~32
Heaven: Seed-> field-> branch-> bird

🟩What are realities of tree and bird?
🟩 Realities
Tree= person's inner person who is being  spiritually reborn by seed of word
Bird= spirit

🟩 Explanation
1. parables of tree
characteristic: result of a planted seed where birds perch

Isa 5:7 tree= people 
Jer5:14 tree= God's people

🟩 Spiritual types of tree
God's tree= true pastor and its organization
Satan's tree = false pastor and its organization

2. God's tree and Satan's tree
1) God's tree: Jn15:1 Jesus= true vine
Jn 15:5 Branches= disciples
Ez 47:12 Leaves: healing leaves= evangelist
Jas1:18 First of fruits= congregation member
Pr13:2 Fruit of lips= word

2) Satan's tree
Dt 32:31~33 Enemy=   wild vine
Dn4:22 Tree=babylon king
Rv 18:2 Home of demons pastor

3. The meaning of the parable of the bird
Characteristic : ability to fly, perch on trees
1) God's bird: holy spirit
Mt 3:16 Jesus <- - dove  holy spirit
Rv 19:17 Wedding banquet of heaven <--- birds

2) Satan's bird
Lk 8:5, 12 devil bird that snatches away God's word
Rv 18:2 Babylon: home of unclean and detestable birds

4. The conclusion of two kinds of trees

tree of life versus tree of knowledge of good and evil


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