Monday, September 13, 2021

[Primary 3] The Figurative Seed and Field


main reference: Mt13:31~32

The kingdom of heaven-------Parable-----mustard seed(in his field)

What are the true meanings of the figurative seed  and field?

True meaning
* seed= word
* field=a person's heart and church

1. Figurative seed
- The importance of the figurative seed
  Mt4:13 The parable of the seed = The basis of all the parables

*Physical characteristics of the seed
- The origin of life of all living things
- You reap what you sow (hereditary characteristics)
   physical characteristics -> true meanings of the parables

1) The true meaning of the figurative seed
-Lk8:11 Seed= the word
-Mk4:14 The farmer sows the word
- 1 Pet 1:23 Imperishable seed (word) 
                Born again through the word of the seed

------- True meaning of the figurative seed = The word

-Jn1:1~4 Life in the word
-Jn3:3~5 Enter the kingdom of heaven when born again

2) types of figurative seeds

- Two types spirit 

God  versus The devil

- Two types seed

God's seed versus The devil's seed

3) The importance of the figurative seed

- Jer31:27    The seed of man  versus The seed of beast
( prophecy)

- Mt13:24~25       Good seed versus  Weeds 

- Mt13:37~39       God's seed       versus     Satan's seed
                      God's word(truth)  versus     Satan's word(lies)
               The  sons of the kingdom versus  The sons of the evil one

- 1Jn3:9~10       Children of God    versus   Children of the devil (Jn8:44)

                            **** The secrets of heaven = Seed

2. Figurative Field
* Characteristics of a physical field 1. Where seeds are sowed  2. Where seeds grow and bear fruit

-1 Cor3:9 You (people) = God's field
- Lk8:15 Good soil= A noble and good heart (field)
- Mt13: 38 Field= The world ( the church of Jesus)

*** True meaning of the figurative field = person's heart, church
-Mt 13:24~30 Field: wheat- like believers ---------harvest ---------heavenly barn

3. Parable of four types of fields

Mt13:3~8 parables of sowing seeds

Seed: sowed= The word of the kingdom
Field=A person 's heart

-Rocky field
-Thorny field
-Good soil

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